Thursday, February 17, 2011

The advantages of using promotional products.

Have you ever wondered why promotional products are used as a form of advertising? The fact is consumers avoid advertising so companies have to figure out creative ways to reach their clients without annoying them. The advantages of using promotional products are as follows:
  1. Selectivity: the product distributed directly to target customers;
  2. Flexibility: the product can be distributed through several different means;
  3. Frequency: items are usually kept for a long period of time; which in turn drives repeated exposure;
  4. Cost: items are affordable compared to other forms of advertising (repeated exposure drives down cost per impression);
  5. Goodwill: people like to receive gifts and many gifts are functional;
  6. High Recall: with promotional products there is a high recall of the advertiser’s name and message;
  7. Supplementing other media: low cost and repeat exposure- message can reinforce appeal or information provided through other forms
Check out what we did for one of our clients!

Client: iTAN (

Problem: I-tan came to us needing a promotional shirt that their employees could wear and that represented the benefits of vitamin D in tanning. They were interested in a high quality fashion forward t-shirt that was more fitted and that represented the high quality brand that iTan has established.

Solution: Since iTAN needed an employee t-shirt one of the considerations that had to be accounted for is that the shirt would be washed many times; iTAN needed a shirt that would be long lasting and a shirt in which ink would never crack or peel. We recommended that iTAN use an American Apparel t-shirt with discharge ink so that the employees could wear a fitted t-shirt that was soft to touch and would look better with every wash.

Analysis: The shirts that iTAN used were a great success! The shirts still look great after months of use and their customers now associate vitamin D with the experience of tanning. Since the success of these shirts we have done multiple different promotional products for them!

We have many promotional products that can work for your company in many different ways, contact us to figure out the best fit for your company! Visit for more information!


  1. Thanks for sharing the advantage of promotional products. Promotional products are great marketing tool.

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  2. I'm a bit hazy on how the effects pedal would improve the situation. Is it simply so you can tweak the equalizer? Or is there something else to it?promotional products

  3. Excellent article.The good sides of promotional products shown in this project.The advantages of using promotional products nicely described in this post.
    Promotional products

  4. Informative article. Thanks for sharing. Promotional products are the best way to promote a business nowadays. There are a lot of items to choose from that can be given during a corporate event. It is important to choose an item that would best reflect your business and that is useful to your customers. You may also want to visit for selection promotional products from Australia.

  5. Interesting to see the cost per impression stats showing promotional products to be the cheapest. They certainly have a longer lifespan!
    Custom Golf Shirts

  6. Is there any further reading you would recommend on this?

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  7. Well written. Yes all the advantages are very correct. Thanks for sharing.Promotional Merchandise
