Monday, September 26, 2011

Consuul Loves Boobies

Consuul has teamed up with Students for Public Health, a student organization at SDSU, and are currently selling "State Loves Boobies" shirts and tank tops in order to raise money for breast cancer research and awareness. Each year we participate in the Making Strides Walk, and through the selling of shirts and monetary donations, over $3,000 has been raised. We hope Students for Public Health break the $3,500.00 mark this year!

Please help support the cause by purchasing a shirt or tank before September 30th for only $10 each. After the 30th, the regular sale will begin and the price will raise to $15. Thank you for your support!

*To order your shirt please email with your first and last name, size, type of shirt (Tee or Tank) and your phone number!

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