Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Consuul Is Now Offering Digital Media Services!

To stay current with the evolving media industry, Consuul has teamed up with The 4th Estate - a premier video/music production and photography company. Now the clients of each company have the opportunity to design a brand, create merchandise & promotional material for the brand, and then make the brand come to life through our new digital media services. Below is a list of services we will be offering in the new year to help enhance the image of our clients and break them into new markets:


-Commercial Photography

-Product Photography

-Fashion photography

-Sports photography

-Photo editing

Video Services


-Graphic art

-Video animation

-Video editing

It is no secret that digital media and social media advertising go hand in hand these days. Below are some statistics regarding visual marketing:

• Online video viewers are 20% more likely to make a purchase online

• There are 16.8 Billion Online Video Streams

• 151 Million people can be reached 110 times per month

• Online Video can reach 70-80% on internet users per month

• Total Online Internet Videos are up over 66% in the past 15 months as of April 2009

• Online Video is big across all age categories in the U.S. as well as Europe

• YouTube videos are up 98% in 15 months

• Online Video Advertising is STILL in the Early Stages and is expected to grow.

Check out a few of our videos:




To see more check out our website and facebook pages.

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