Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Consuul Artist: Jonny Alexander is on the Cover of City Beat!

Jonny Alexander is a trip. Talking to the 21-year-old artist is like going through a time warp—one that lands you back in the 1960s when young people were still idealistic, wanted to connect with nature and thought they could change the world. The influence is coming partly from the ’60s and ’70s psychedelic rock he says he listens to when he sits down to make art.

“I will never paint or draw without hearing music,” Alexander says. “I kind of draw from that era and that kind of mindset. I have a wide variety of music I listen to, and most of it was made before I was born.”

I got hold of Alexander as he was heading out of town for a weekend camping trip in Big Sur. He couldn’t wait to run around in the wild with his backpack filled with art supplies. He says he sits for hours and tries to imitate the patterns found in nature.

Everything’s so intricately designed,” he says. “You have to stop and look at it. That’s nature, not so much my art. Hopefully my art will do that for you, though.”

Alexander’s piece on the cover of CityBeat this week is called "Smug in the Wooly Cotton Brains of Infancy." It’s a 22-layer silkscreen on paper, and it’s one of his older pieces done through what he likes to call “automatic or unconscious” drawing. He would compile random images from his sketchbook and put them together in a silkscreen.

These days, Alexander is a little more conscious about the messages his images are conveying. He’s gotten into narratives—mostly related to societal woes or environmental issues.

“I want someone to look at a piece and get their brains working instead of mindlessly looking at images,” Alexander says. “I try to invoke some type of thought about our daily lives that people don’t really see. I have a big influence with nature and the natural landscape and how far we’ve gone from that. I try to bring people back.”

Check out to see Jonathan Alexander’s work.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

G - The Entertainer!

At Consuul, we are always looking to spotlight individuals who are leaders and trendsetters. There are many ways to be one of these individuals, such as devoting yourself to helping others in your community or being dedicated to be the best at what you do or for what you have a passion for. No one does either of these things better than G!

His motto is, “Live, Love, Laugh, Dance, Play, and Work harder than the person to your right”. He can do it all when it comes to entertainment; G is a talented Producer, Editor, Choreographer, Promoter, Host, and the best Dancer we have ever met.

He is full of confidence and life. No matter what the situation, you know G is going to have a good time and bring a smile to those around him. His love for others and fun is evident in all the volunteer work that he does in the San Diego community. Also, every weekend G has a segment entitled “Dancing is a Sport” where he performs and proves to the world that dancing is more than just a hobby, but a true Sport indeed.

Consuul Is very proud to have collaborated with G on several occassions. He always shows support for the Consuul movement and is always looking fresh while doing it! He is not only a talented performer and a selfless leader, but he always has a matching outfit on from head to toe!

If you do not know G then you are missing out! We look forward to working more with G in the future and cannot wait to see what projects he will be a part of in the future!

See G's Dancing is a Sport Segment Here:

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Consuul Is Now Offering Digital Media Services!

To stay current with the evolving media industry, Consuul has teamed up with The 4th Estate - a premier video/music production and photography company. Now the clients of each company have the opportunity to design a brand, create merchandise & promotional material for the brand, and then make the brand come to life through our new digital media services. Below is a list of services we will be offering in the new year to help enhance the image of our clients and break them into new markets:


-Commercial Photography

-Product Photography

-Fashion photography

-Sports photography

-Photo editing

Video Services


-Graphic art

-Video animation

-Video editing

It is no secret that digital media and social media advertising go hand in hand these days. Below are some statistics regarding visual marketing:

• Online video viewers are 20% more likely to make a purchase online

• There are 16.8 Billion Online Video Streams

• 151 Million people can be reached 110 times per month

• Online Video can reach 70-80% on internet users per month

• Total Online Internet Videos are up over 66% in the past 15 months as of April 2009

• Online Video is big across all age categories in the U.S. as well as Europe

• YouTube videos are up 98% in 15 months

• Online Video Advertising is STILL in the Early Stages and is expected to grow.

Check out a few of our videos:

To see more check out our website and facebook pages.