Thursday, July 15, 2010

How To Use Facebook To Promote Your Clothing Line

With the influence that social media has on people from all over the world, using a community such as Facebook can generate a huge following for your clothing line. Facebook has many features available which allow you to customize your brand's page. From creating separate photo galleries for each style of apparel your clothing line offers to running a shopping cart, Facebook has designed applications to allow you to maintain a professional online marketplace.

Create a street team for your clothing line and make them "Admins" on your brand's Facebook page. Once they are "Admins", have each person suggest to their friends on Facebook that they become fans of your clothing line's page. The more people that you can get in front of and keep up to date with you brand the better!

Once you have customized your Facebook page, it is very important to consistently add a variety of fresh new content that will catch the attention of your fans. By constantly uploading pictures of every event you attend or are involved with allows people to see your progress as a brand and involvement in the community or culture you associate with.

Another major important marketing tool which creates a large amount of attention is producing videos for your clothing line. Video marketing allows you to really show the culture behind your brand while adding visually appealing effects and music.

To create a strong presence on your fans' and friends' news feeds, it is very important to not create "spam" by just flooding Facebook. If you are constantly updating your status and your fans and friends are not "Liking" or commenting on your posts, this is going to reduce the quality of your Facebook posts. Be sure to only make posts on Facebook that have a strong following or are going to grab the attention of a large amount of people. If multiple people comment on your post, then your post will receive a high rating and appear on more of your network's news feed.

As Facebook continues to grow and improve their software, the impact and connection to people all over the world is only going to improve. Staying on top of the trends with current marketing efforts is what generates the largest amount of revenue for company. Do your research and break down the elements and applications which fits best with your brand and create a strong page for your brand on Facebook!

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